22 Aug 2024

why do we have a food crisis

There are many reasons why we do have a food crisis in some parts of the world.

  1. Civil wars. The food supply to war-torn countries is cut off which leads to a food crisis.

  2. Rapid population growth. High population with less mortalities can lead to high demand of food which results to a food crisis.

  3. Climate change. Too Much sunshine without rain can cause drought which leads to a food crisis.
    Deforestation leads to rainfall reduction which causes climate change and less food production.
    Bush fires. High temperatures due to climate cause bush fires which destroy food crops in some parts of the world which leads to food crisis.

  4. Soil infertility. The soil not being fertile in some parts of the world causes a food crisis.
    The causes of soil infertility include;
    Over spraying the soil with herbicides can cause soil infertility.
    Monoculture. Growing one type of crop on an area without crop rotation can lead to soil infertility.

Conclusion, the above are some of the main causes of food crisis today.

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