26 Sep 2024
how many teaspoons of sugar in tea
The following is the ratio of sugar teaspoons to cups of tea.
2½ teaspoons of sugar to 1 cup of tea. The ratio is 2½:1
5 teaspoons of sugar to 2 cups of tea. The ratio is 5:2.
7½ teaspoons of sugar to 3 cups of tea. The ratio is 7½:3.
10 teaspoons of sugar to 4 cups of tea. The ratio is 10:4.
12½ teaspoons of sugar to 5 cups of tea. The ratio is 12½:5.
15 teaspoons of sugar to 6 cups of tea. The ratio is 15:6.
17½ teaspoons of sugar to 7 cups of tea. The ratio is 17½:7.
20 teaspoons of sugar to 8 cups of tea. The ratio is 20:8.
22½ teaspoons of sugar to 9 cups of tea. The ratio is 22½:9.
25 teaspoons of sugar to 10 cups of tea. The ratio is 25:10.
The above shows the quantity of sugar to put in cups of tea. The sugar quantity will increase if there are many cups of tea.
Remember 2½ teaspoons will be multiplied by the number of tea cups.
Formula: 2½ sugar teaspoon × number of tea cups = total number of sugar teaspoons.